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The answer to all your window cleaning service questions!

How do I prep for WEWC?

We kindly request your assistance in ensuring unobstructed access to the areas requiring cleaning. Upon our arrival, we conduct a thorough assessment and communicate any requirements with you upfront. For added precaution, we advise relocating any valuables near your home to prevent accidental damage during the cleaning process

What if it rains...?

Even if it's raining, we'll do our best to carry out our services. But if our technicians feel it's best to reschedule due to the weather, we'll give you a heads up. Your safety and the safety of your property are super important to us!

Do I need to be home for the service?

Only if we are doing interior!! If we're working outside and already have your payment details and contact number, you can go about your day without needing to stay home. But, if there's any hiccup accessing your property or if we need to chat with you about something important and can't reach you, there might be some cancellation charges involved

Do you need to use my water source?

Yes, indeed! Just a gentle reminder to ensure your spigots are all set and ready to go by the service date. Thanks a bunch

Do I need an appointment?

Absolutely, appointments are necessary. If you're interested in interior services, we'll need to pop inside your home to provide you with the most accurate pricing. If you'd like, we're happy to email you the full estimate upon request

Do you offer quotes?

Yes, and they are free! Visit our FREE QUOTE page to provide all the details regarding your property and we will have your free quote out to your within 48 hours! 

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